Daphne Jackson Fellowships support returners across all areas of research. They provide the retraining and mentorship needed to successfully return to research after a career break of 2 years or more taken for family, caring or health reasons.
Our Fellowships offer individuals the opportunity to work on a research project on a part-time, flexible and salaried basis in universities, research institutes and industry across the UK and Republic of Ireland.
In the fast-moving world of research and innovation, highly qualified and skilled individuals who take a career break often find themselves lagging their peers when returning to work. It can be very difficult to find suitable employment that fully utilises their specific knowledge and experience.
Daphne Jackson Fellowships are unique:
We offer professionals wishing to return to a research career the opportunity to balance an individually tailored retraining programme with a challenging research project in a suitably supportive environment. The unparalleled support offered by our Fellowship Advisors and staff, coupled with the mentoring and retraining provided during the Fellowship, give returners the confidence and skills they need to successfully return to research.
In 2020, the Daphne Jackson Trust extended its’ remit to cover all research areas. This includes all STEM subjects, arts, humanities, social sciences and all other related disciplines. This allows the Trust to work cohesively with all individuals and organisations across the research ecosystem. At a time where collaboration between disciplines is more important than ever, this expansion will help to strengthen the research and innovation landscape across the UK and further afield.
The aims of the Daphne Jackson Trust are:
- To enable talented individuals to return to research with confidence after a career break
- To maintain a talented research workforce by offering flexible and part-time Fellowships across all research areas
- To support equality, diversity and inclusion in the workplace
- To develop partnerships that extend the reach and increase the impact of the work of the Trust