A supervisor and a host department must be agreed before a candidate can complete the preliminary application phase (during which they write their proposal).

Host organisations

Daphne Jackson Fellowships are normally hosted in university laboratories, research institutions or industrial companies which undertake research and development. Often candidates will approach a university department or other potential host organisation, and will identify someone within the organisation to act as their supervisor.


Supervisors play a key role in guiding Daphne Jackson Fellows as they make the transition from a career break back to a successful research career. Each Fellow has a primary and secondary supervisor based within the host organisation. The primary supervisor usually takes responsibility for guiding the majority of the Fellow’s training and research programme. Secondary supervisors have varying levels of involvement depending on the host, the project and the subject specialism.

Supervisors must be accredited by the host organisation who will accept responsibility for guiding the Fellow’s training and research programme. Fellowship goals are established by the candidate in consultation with the supervisor(s). The agreement of both supervisor(s) and host department is a pre-requisite for a Fellowship.

Please contact us if you would like to find out more about supervising or hosting a Daphne Jackson Fellow.