Many universities and research institutions both host and sponsor Daphne Jackson Fellows.  Others host Fellows and sponsorship is provided by external organisations.

Whilst the Trust provides the infrastructure and dedicated staff to recruit and retrain Fellows and administer the awards, financial support is provided by the hosts and sponsors.

The host institution will:

  • provide a suitable research facility to allow the Fellow to carry out the research project
  • cover all non-salary research hosting costs
  • provide a qualified supervisor to oversee the research and provide appropriate technical assistance in accordance with the Trust’s guidelines for supervisors.

During the Fellowship, the host organisation becomes the employer of the Fellow and therefore is responsible for all appropriate insurances, terms and conditions of work, intellectual property rights and other associated matters. The Daphne Jackson Trust does not have any obligations, duties or commitments within the employment contract between the Fellow and the host organisation other than on an advisory basis. Each host organisation has different pay scales and determines the salary level of the Fellow in relation to other researchers in the department or organisation. (The cost of the salary itself is covered by the sponsor.)

If you would like to find out more about hosting a Daphne Jackson Fellow and have a particular organisation in mind, please contact us.