Daphne Jackson Fellowships offer professionals the opportunity to return to research following a career break of two years or more when taken for family, caring or health reasons.
A Daphne Jackson Fellowship provides a unique combination of mentoring, retraining and research, boosting the confidence and skills that are needed to successfully return to a research career.
We have helped over 480 individuals return to research careers. In 2020, we expanded our remit to cover research across the arts, humanities and social sciences as well as traditional STEM subjects. This allows us to support returners across all research disciplines. This is vital to ensuring the continued success of research and innovation across the UK and further afield.
Daphne Jackson Fellowships are normally 2 or 3 years in length and based in a university, research institute or in industry anywhere in the UK or Republic of Ireland. We award up to 25 Fellowships a year and currently have over 60 Fellows in place.
We are a registered charity, governed by a board of Trustees, and based in the Department of Physics at the University of Surrey.