
Dr Kerry Francksen

Dr Kerry Francksen

Kerry Francksen is a Daphne Jackson Fellow at the Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE) at Coventry University.

Kerry is an experienced digital arts researcher and practitioner and leader in the application of technologies in creative practice. With a 1st class degree in Performing Arts:Dance from De Montfort University, she worked for several years as a performer and choreographer and was then invited to teach at De Montfort University.

Whilst at De Montfort University, Kerry became involved in research projects which led to her undertaking her Masters in dance video installation and then her PhD, both of which she completed alongside her teaching. She was awarded a Teaching Fellow Award and a Vice Chancellors Future Research Leader award during this time and has many publications, both written and oral, along with book reviews, digital-performance works and video installations.

With her background in exploring the impact of technology on artistic process and performer practices, Kerry is looking to expand her skillsets to explore the application of virtual reality (VR) technologies and artificial intelligence (AI). Her specific focus will be to advocate for, and advance further, the performer’s pivotal role within current performance and digital media art.

Sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and returning to research after an eight year career break Kerry’s project is entitled: Advancing performer perspectives: Exploring creative practices in virtual reality and artificial intelligence environments


Host and Sponsor

  • Coventry University
  • Arts and Humanities Research Council