
Dr Katia Bouchekioua-Bouzaghou

Dr Katia Bouchekioua-Bouzaghou

Katia Bouchekioua-Bouzaghou is a Daphne Jackson Fellow at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) in the School of Medicine and Dentistry at the Barts Cancer Institute.

Katia is a research scientist in oncology, molecular, and cell biology and has a BSc in Biochemistry and an MSc in Biology from the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France. Katia published a paper from her MSc, and successfully obtained her own funding for her PhD in breast cancer research from ‘La Ligue Contre le Cancer’, after which she worked as a post doctoral researcher at the Barts Cancer Institute at Queen Mary University of London.

Now returning to research after a break of three years, Katia’s Fellowship is sponsored by Queen Mary University of London.

Due to finish in 2025 her research project is titled: Determining c-Met signalling on endosomes in breast cancer



Host and Sponsor

  • Queen Mary University of London