60 Daphne Jackson Fellows to attend research conference and demonstrate just how the Trust is ‘Leading the way for returners’

12 October 2015 | News, Daphne Jackson Trust Conference news

More than 60 Daphne Jackson Fellows will join sponsors, supervisors, Daphne Jackson Trust staff and trustees at the Daphne Jackson Trust Research Conference at the Wellcome Collection, London on Thursday 15th October, where they will showcase their research, and hear the results of our latest survey of former Daphne Jackson Fellows.

We’ll be tweeting from the event, so follow developments using the hashtag #DJTRC15, and read on to find out more about our survey.

Our recent survey of former Fellows, which had a 79% response rate, shows that over 90% of Daphne Jackson Fellows continue working in STEM for the majority of their career post-Fellowship, with over 70% remaining in research-based roles for 2 years post-Fellowship and 57% for up to 5 years post-Fellowship.

90% of former Fellows who responded to the survey, said the Fellowship had helped them secure subsequent jobs, and 72% said they are now in their first choice career. Over 90% said the Fellowship had a beneficial effect on their confidence, and 88% said it helped their professional/job satisfaction.

We’ve encapsulated some of the survey’s key finding in an eyecatching infographic sheet, and the full report ‘Leading the way for returners: A survey of former Fellows, 2015’, can be downloaded here.

Read the full press release here.

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