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Meet a supervisor

Aviva Burnstock: Professor of Conservation at The Courtauld Institute of Art

Behind every successful Daphne Jackson Fellow is a research supervisor, helping guide a returner’s training and research programme.

Professor Burnstock is the supervisor for Dr Donatella Banti’s research into the analysis of paint deterioration in art conservation: â€śMicro-FTIR and Micro-Raman data analysis for the development of a protocol for mapping organic materials and their degradation products in 20th century paint samples: A case study on Franciszka Themerson’s material and techniques.”

Previously a lecturer in chemistry, Donatella attended the Courtauld during her career break, learning to be a practicing art conservator.  When she was ready to return to research, she contacted her former professor at the Courtauld, Dr Burnstock, with a research proposal that would combine chemistry and conservation.

Together, they are working to uncover an art mystery.

For Professor Burnstock, working with a Daphne Jackson Fellow has advantages in both the length of the fellowship and the focus on retraining.

Professor Burnstock has found supervising a Daphne Jackson Fellow to be a unique and rewarding experience.

Could you supervise a Daphne Jackson Fellow?  Find out what’s involved in supervising here.

Andy White, Freelance WordPress Developer London