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The Kennedy Trust & Medical Research Council co-fund a Daphne Jackson Fellow in Life Sciences & Biomedicine


We are delighted to announce that The Kennedy Trust and Medical Research Council (MRC) are co-funding a new Daphne Jackson Fellowship, supporting Dr Kate Coldwell.

Kate will be starting her fellowship on the 30th July 2024 at the  Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology at the University of Oxford, working on a project titled ‘Disentangling the temporal interplay between the liver and gut in primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC)’.

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis (PSC), is a rare liver disease with no effective treatment. Patients with PSC have damage to their bile ducts impacting the transport of bile between the liver and the gut. Kate’s fellowship will focus on analysing blood and faecal samples in patients with PSC to look at the impact this disrupted bile transport has on the gut microbiome (the community of bacteria living in the gut), gut health and the relationship with liver disease. It is hoped that data from the study will provide information on how gut and liver problems in patients with PSC could be managed by modification to diet or lifestyle.

Supporting Kate’s Research

Daphne Jackson Fellowships, and fellow’s research couldn’t happen without the support of the host organisation and funders.

The Kennedy Trust provides sustainable, long-term funding of medical research into rheumatic and related musculoskeletal, immunological and inflammatory diseases. Dr Stephen Simpson, CEO of the Kennedy Trust comments: 

The Medical Research Council fund research at the forefront of science to prevent illness, develop therapies and improve human health. They have sponsored or co-sponsored a total of 38 Daphne Jackson Fellows.

Daphne Jackson Fellowships

The Daphne Jackson Trust is dedicated to returning researchers following a career break for a family, caring or health reason.

Daphne Jackson Fellowships are unique – they offer professionals wishing to return to a research career after a break of two or more years, the opportunity to balance an individually tailored retraining programme with a challenging research project in a suitably supportive environment. The unparalleled support offered by the Trust’s Fellowship Advisors and administrative staff, coupled with mentoring and retraining provided during the Fellowship, give returners the confidence and skills they need to successfully return to research.

For further details about the eligibility criteria and application process, click here or please contact us via email at djmft@surrey.ac.uk.

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Andy White, Freelance WordPress Developer London