Dr Tahreer Fayyad
Tahreer Fayyad is a Daphne Jackson Fellow in the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences at Queen’s University Belfast.
Tahreer is a Chartered Civil Engineer with an accreditation from the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE). After completing a BSc and MSc in Civil Engineering at the Islamic University of Gaza, Tahreer completed her PhD in structures engineering with her thesis entitled “Reinforced Concrete Fracture” at the University of Cambridge.
Tahreer is returning to her research career after a five year break with a project using Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) to detect damage and assess the real condition and structural integrity of the Loughbrickland Bridge, Belfast. The project will address the issue of a need for improved methods to monitor the safety of civil infrastructure and will use smart intelligent technology which can feed into existing work on ‘smart cities’ and ‘intelligent infrastructure’.
Due to finish in 2025 Tahreer’s Fellowship is sponsored by the Royal Society and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and her project is entitled: Drive-by monitoring (DriMon) towards network level intelligent infrastructure