
Dr Elizabeth Clay

Dr Elizabeth Clay

Elizabeth Clay is a Daphne Jackson Fellow at the University of Birmingham in the Rheumatology Research Group, in the College of Medical and Dental Sciences.

Elizabeth (Beth) is an experienced immunologist specialising in adaptive immunology and rheumatology. After completing her BSc in Human Biology  and her Masters (MRes) in Molecular and Cellular Medicine at the University of Birmingham, Beth went on to do her PhD at the same institution on the effects of environmental oxygen on CD4+ T lymphocyte activation and responses. This led to several postdoctoral positions at the University of Birmingham looking at B cells involved in rheumatoid arthritis, and a translational study looking at the development of therapeutic antibodies.

Now returning to research following a four year break, Beth’s project will enable her to retrain in bioinformatics. The title of her project is: Synovial lymphocyte diversity and origin in childhood onset arthritis.

This 3 year Fellowship is sponsored by the Kennedy Trust For Rheumatology Research and the Medical Research Council (MRC).


Host and Sponsors

  • University of Birmingham
  • The Kennedy Trust for Rheumatology Research
  • Medical Research Council