
Dr Ami Ketley

Dr Ami Ketley

Ami Ketley is a Daphne Jackson Fellow in the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science at the University of Nottingham.

Ami has a BSc in Human Genetics, followed by a PhD in molecular biology and cell culture from the University of Nottingham. After working as a postdoc at the University of Nottingham Ami successfully applied to the University of Nottingham Hermes Scholarship scheme and secured funding for a secondment to GlaxoSmithKline in Stevenage to research “High Content Imaging in myotonic dystrophy”. Further collaborations followed within the company leading to a publication in Science Translational Medicine, a patent and a successful Wellcome Trust Seeding Drug Discovery Grant to progress the drug development project.

Returning to the University of Nottingham with a Marigold Foundation Fellowship (a Canadian charity supporting under researched diseases), Ami continued working in collaboration with GlaxoSmithKline on “Compound Screening in myotonic dystrophy” after which she became a post doc in the School of Life Sciences on a BHF funded project looking at “A genetic roadmap for congenital heart disease” a collaborative project with the Sanger Institute. With many publications, presentations and having established a collaborative project between the Universities of Nottingham and Newcastle, along with co-writing and co-applying on a successful grant funded by the BHF she is now returning to her research after a five year break.

Ami’s Fellowship is sponsored by the British Heart Foundation and her research project is titled: Application of a bioinformatics pipeline to evaluate the cardiac transcriptomic profile in myotonic dystrophy





Host and Sponsor

  • University of Nottingham
  • British Heart Foundation