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From Daphne Jackson Fellow to CEO

Catherine undertook her Daphne Jackson Fellowship between 2015 and 2018, hosted and funded by the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute. Her fellowship focused on parasitology and tick-borne diseases.

During the fellowship, Catherine co-founded the biotech company – Qkine – with Dr Marko Hyvönen. Qkine develops novel products and high-quality proteins for stem cell research and regenerative medicine. Along with her co-founder, Catherine has successfully applied for over £2.2m investment funding from Innovate UK and angel investors.

Qkine now has a global customer base in research institutes, biotechnology, and emerging sectors such as cellular agriculture.

We rely on our partners to fund fellowships, host and supervise fellows at their institutions and provide support to help us grow. Find out more about how to get involved below.

Andy White, Freelance WordPress Developer London