We help people restart their careers in research. Our unique fellowships provide an opportunity for someone who has had a career break from research for two years or more, taken for family, caring or health reasons to return to work with the skills and confidence they need to succeed.
Empower. Overcome. Reignite.
Our fellowships are transformational:
- They enable people to return to the career they love.
- They demonstrate time and again that returning people to careers in research after a break makes sense financially, practically and morally.
- They are changing conversations around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and challenging traditional norms.
- They enable funders to support high quality research and technical returners in the context of their own organisational mission and goals, to the greater benefit of the UK research & innovation sector.
- They allow hosts to benefit from the presence of highly motivated individuals who make an early contribution to an institution’s research environment. Hosting a fellow is also a great way contribute to an organisation’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion aims.
Our aims:
To enable talented individuals to return to research and technical professions with confidence after a career break
To maintain a talented research workforce by offering flexible and part-time fellowships across all research and technical specialities
To support Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace
To develop partnerships that extend our reach and impact
Careers > restarted
Can you help someone return to their research career?