Home » Dr Angeliki Aisopou

Dr Angeliki Aisopou

Daphne Jackson Fellow at Imperial College London

Name: Dr Angeliki Aisopou
Field: Physical Sciences; Engineering & Technology


  • Mechanical Engineers
  • Modelling and monitoring water quality

Research and qualifications:

  • BSc in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Nottingham
  • MSc in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
  • PhD in modelling and monitoring water quality in water supply systems from Imperial College London
  • Postdoctoral Researcher at the Technical University of Denmark, Copenhagen

Returning to her research after a 9-year break, Angeliki’s Fellowship is entitled: “Analytical and Experiment Investigation of Chlorine Decay in an Operational Water Supply Network”. Angeliki’s research models and measures the decay of chlorine in the water supply system, with the goal of ensuring chlorine levels remain high enough to keep drinking water clean and free of bacteria as it moves through the system and into our homes.

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Andy White, Freelance WordPress Developer London